negative energy or forgiveness

forgiveness kicks negative energy’s ass every day! sometimes, doing the most mundane things like mowing the lawn, i have an epiphany…nothing mind numbing or earth shattering but an epiphany nonetheless. when i finally decide to let something go, it turns around for...

I freakin’ LOVE school!

how did i know that school was going to give me an avenue to be sarcastic and combative? i didn’t or else i’d have come back to school a LONG time ago! school is awesome! i love being contrary and really, you can only be contrary for so long with the same people day...

blogging and wine pairing

i always seem to have a glass of wine close by when i’m blogging these days…not sure if it has to do with the extreme stress i’m under and i just have a glass of wine close by pretty much ALL the time or…well, you get the point. BUT i thought it might be helpful to...

uh oh

i did it…i let the world in..why? i think i was a little bored and the world might liven things up a bit. i’m thinking it’ll go a little something like this… me: hi world! c’mon in! world: is there a cover? me: not at all…free admission! world: where will we all sit?...

i’m tired and passionate

scratch that…i’m VERY, VERY tired and passionate. can’t i just be passionate from the couch? that works so much better for me right now. i get excited when i get passionate which really wears me out…hence, i am tired… it’s a vicious circle, this passion...


just exactly when did i become so sensitive? or at least sensitive to other people’s sensitivities? ok…yes, i am italian AND i am the first born AND as you know…we are fixers…but for crying out loud, enough is enough already.. me: are you ok? you: yes me: you sure…you...